Brief history about the company, and our plans for the future.
Lifequbes shelters Pvt. Ltd. Specialises in manufacturing of instant & demountable warehousing and building solutions. Here in India, we are providing EN - 9 standards Heavily designed & engineered, durable, reliable, very low maintenance warehousing & building solutions to protect your most valuable assets on rent and sale.
Having “NO” time to invest behind constructing a warehouse? We have readily available warehousing solutions at your doorstep. We believe in delivering customer centric solutions and catering to all client requirements. To ensure the highest standards in our structures we are using best softwares for engineering and designing. We believe in investing in most advanced technology therefore we have a CNC machine with 2 Bays catering to 6 Mtr length and best technology for designing.
We are located in the Industrial hub of Gujarat, Vadodara – Por holding a lush green Unit of 65000 Sq ft with more than 35+ employees associated with us. We believe in a employee friendly working culture and the Unit is lead by our Unit Head Mr. Nirav Patel (Qualification) who holds immense responsibility to cater a great combination of Design, Engineering & Fabrication to all clients.

Director's Message
Solving issues that are faced commonly across the economy is something I have always believed in. When I thought of a problem that I faced 10 years back in building an industrial warehouse following all the standards, in just 100 hours seemed was due to the rains that the emergency occurred. Researching about solutions for the same caught me an eye to the concept of Instant & Demountable warehousing. That’s when I decided the solution to all our future problems lies here.
The whole Industry faces issues with warehousing & Storage and there is never enough of it. Today India has 470 Million sf ft of warehouses and is estimated to double in the next 5 years.
Be it any sector, Industrial, Medical, E-commerce, Event Industry- warehouses and storage is important. Holding an engineering background, it became an integral part to make this concept extremely sound with design & engineering. After 2 years of R&D, we have made a product that is accepted by all the Industrial sectors. We are a single-window solution provider for all your warehousing needs.
Keeping our primary focus on the health & safety of our workforce and all our stakeholders in mind, all our products are water & heat resistant and are very long-lasting. we also focus on environmental issues and have always kept the tangible and sustainable goals in consideration of the planet we all share.
With the full commitment of all our young enthusiastic team and our quality of products, we will continue to pursue our timelines, meet the customer’s requirements and move ahead towards reaching heights and serving the economy.
Mr. Navin Kumar Jain
Managing Director
Lifequbes Shelters Pvt. Ltd.
Number Of Employees
Current Inventory (in SqFt)
Business Development Awards
Meet Our Team

Unit Head
Nirav Patel

Store Manager
Dixita Parmar

Finance Head
Vishnu Suthar

Project Head
Narrottam Sharma

Design Head
Mahesh Patel

Business Development Head
Aayushi Jain
Aim & Target
To provide Demountable Structures - Instant, Light Weight, Sustainable, Cost effective, Temporary or Permanent LARGE SPAN HIGH RISE Aluminium and Steel Super structures for Warehouse, Store, Go down, Shed, Bulk Storage & Many more with Engineering & Designing solutions.
Our Vision & Mission
Become our customer’s first Priority in providing Sustainable Warehousing solutions against whatever is affected by weather.
Our Values
Authentic For Design Committed To Clients Innovation Redefined Impact At The Right Time